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[Picture: Aries]
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Aries comes under the entry for the 20th of March:

Aries, or the ram, as a zodiacal sign, is said to have been derived by the Greeks from the golden fleece brought from Colchis by Jason, about 1263 years before Christ; but as it is a hieroglyphic on Egyptian monuments, it is of higher antiquity, and symbolizes that season when sheep yean [give birth to] their lambs. The people of Thebes slew a ram in honour of Jupiter Ammon, eho personifies the sun in Aries, and is represented by ancient sculpture and coins with the horns of a ram on his head. The Hebrews at this season sacrifice a lamb, to commemmorate their deliverance from Egypt. Aries, or the ram, was the ensign of Gad, one of their leaders.” (p. 375)

I should mention that the book seems only to have woodcut engravings for a few of the signs of the zodiac, unfortunately:
Aquarius (21st january – 19th February)
Pisces (20th February – 20th March)
Aries (21st March – 20th April)
Virgo (23rd August – 22nd September)



80 x 58mm (3.1 x 2.3 inches)

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Scanner dpi:

2400 dots per inch



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