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Decorative initial “L” with wild flowers and weedsdetails

[Picture: Decorative initial “L” with wild flowers and weeds]
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Image title:

Decorative initial “L” with wild flowers and weeds

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A decorative initial capital letter “L” used at the start of a chapter. This one featuers thistles, clover (or shamrock), and a flower that could be a daisy.

Update: it’s thistles (Scotland), shamrocks (Ireland) and the forward-facing flower is probably meant to be a rose for England judging by the leaves.



20 x 21mm (0.8 x 0.8 inches)

Place shown:


Added by jane on Sat Jan 26 22:19:19 2019

More specifically, the flowers are shamrocks and the "weeds" are thistles (I believe). These are two very strong symbols of Scotland, so I presume there is a strong relationship to Scotland.
Thank you. I enjoy this site. I’m an artist and I am teaching now about historic fonts for textile artists. I appreciate the ease of use of the site.

Added by barefootliam on Sun Jan 27 02:10:12 EST 2019

Thank you for writing! I’m glad you like the site.
I’ve updatedthe description to mention the shamrocks and thistles; I think the forward-facing flower is meant to be a rose, for England.



Scanner dpi:

1800 dots per inch



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