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Alms Box, Skipwithdetails

[Picture: Alms Box, Skipwith]
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Alms Box, Skipwith, in Skipwith,Yorkshire,England more

boxes, churches, religion


Image title:

Alms Box, Skipwith

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Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free stock image for all purposes usage credit requested
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Leaves from a Sketch-Book. YORK. The Engravings on this page are drawn from various sketches made some time ago in York and its neighbourhood. As their name implies, they are not intended to represent the architectural glories which are the pride of the great county of York, but have been hit off as taste or opportunity suggested—now from an old gateway, now from some crumbling tower—as artistic studies rather than as topographical illustrations. Had the object been different, enough might have been gathered from a single village in the county of York to furnish views of surpassing interest and of great architectural beauty. Not to mention the parish church of Howden, which has almost the dimensions and many of the best features of a cathedral, there may be found in the little village of Skipwith, from whose ancient church two of these sketches are taken, enough to furnish an antiquary with materials for many a long day. Not only are some portions of its church amongst the most ancient ecclesiastical relics in England, but in its vicinity are still to be seen remains of several tumuli of the highest antiquity and of the greatest interest to the archæologist” (p. 353)

April 2, 1870. An alms box was (is) put in a church to collect money for the poor, or for church funds.



75 x 85mm (3.0 x 3.3 inches)

Place shown:



Scanner dpi:

2400 dots per inch



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