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A description of the nature of four-footed beasts (page 2/3)


Some images taken from A description of the Nature of Four-Footed Beasts, With their Figures Engraven in Brass, written in Latin by Dr. John Johnston. Translated into English by J. P.

The author is referred to in catalogues as Jonstonus, Joannes (1603-1675). The book was published in London.

The book is online at University of Wisconsin Digital Collections under History of Science and Technology; I requested (and obtained) permission to use the images, which the University has confirmed are in the public domain; I also place (in case there is any question) my own versions of the images in the public domain, so you can use them in any way you like.

You will find here (eventually) not only copies of the page images from Wisconsin University, but also cleaned-up versions of the scans, with individual animals in separate files.

Title: A description of the nature of four-footed beasts

Author: Jonstonus, Joannes

City: London

Date: 1678

Total items: 12

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: Tab. I.: Horses]

Tab. I.: Horses

Image of page marked “Tab. I”, the first with an illustration: Equus Pferd
Roß Hengst Gaul: two antique engravings of horses. [more...] [$]

[picture: 135a.---Antique engraving of a horse]

135a.—Antique engraving of a horse

This picture of a horse was engraved on brass and included in the 1678 edition of this book. It is taken from Tab. I. [more...] [$]

[picture: 135b.---Antique engraving of a horse]

135b.—Antique engraving of a horse

This picture of a horse was engraved on brass and included in the 1678 edition of this book. It is taken from Tab. I. [more...] [$]

[picture: Tab. XI: Rinocerous and Unicorns]

Tab. XI: Rinocerous and Unicorns

Image of page marked “Tab. XI”, from the illustrations: [more...] [$]

[picture: Monoceros (Unicorn) Engraving]

Monoceros (Unicorn) Engraving

An engraving of a Monocerous, or Unicorn, on brass, from the 1678 edition of the book. It is taken from Tab. XI. [more...] [$]

[picture: Unicorn with Mane (Monoceros seu Unicornu Jubatus)]

Unicorn with Mane (Monoceros seu Unicornu Jubatus)

This picture of a unicorn with a mane was engraved on brass and included in the 1678 edition of this book. It is taken from Tab. XI. [more...] [$]

[picture: Unicorn with Mane (another one)]

Unicorn with Mane (another one)

This picture of a unicorn with a mane was engraved on brass and included in the 1678 edition of this book. It is taken from Tab. XI. [more...] [$]

[picture: Rhinocerous (Rhinoceros, Hornnase Rhinocer) Old Engraving or Woodcut]

Rhinocerous (Hornnase Rhinocer) Engraving

The Rhinoceros borrows his name from the horn in his snout. Some call him an Ægyptian Ox, some an Æthiopian Bull, but they mistake; for there are none in Ægypt, except by chance. In Æthiopia indeed is a bull like him in the horn, which the unskilfull miscall a Rhinoceros. [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Antique engraving of a gryphon]

Antique engraving of a gryphon

This picture of a gryphon was engraved on brass and included in the 1678 edition of this book. It is taken from plate XLIX, which also features the hippopotamus. [more...] [$]

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