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Jugend [German art magazine] (page 3/3)

[picture: Front Cover]

Some pictures from the German art magazine Jugend. I was given (very kindly) two collected volumes and I am slowly scanning the images that are out of copyright (as I read German copyright law).

Jugend (Youth) Magazine was very influential in Germany, and gave rise to Jugendstile, the German name for Art Nouveau.

Title: Jugend [German art magazine]

Author: Various

City: Munich

Date: 1900

Total items: 17

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: Enjoyment of Life]

Enjoyment of Life

This view of a verdant green meadow with a tree and a stream, a blue sky, and a scantily-clad and mostly topless woman enjoying the sheer exuberance of Spring, [...]Friedrich Hölderlins. [more...] [$]

[picture: Kullervo as a Boy]

Kullervo as a Boy

Kullervo is a character from the Finnish epic poem, the Kalevala. Here he is shown as a naked boy, fair-haired and strong, in a forest, drawing pictures on the trunk of an oak tree; there are cows in [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Le Baiser (The Kiss)]

Le Baiser (The Kiss)

In this orange and black duotone print, a man wispers into the ear of a slghtly younger woman, or maybe kisses her ear or even nibbles on it a bit, as one does. A poem beneath it is attributed to [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Kneeling at prayer by candlelight]

Kneeling at prayer by candlelight

The poem that appeared at upper left is given below, first in automatically translated English and then in my transcription of the German. [more...] [$]

[picture: Back cover]

Back cover

The back cover of this bound collection of Jugend magazine for 1900 shoes a bearded man resting his arms on a large closed book. Perhaps it’s Jugend and he just finished reading it. The red garland [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Festoon or Garland of Roses]

Festoon or Garland of Roses

This is a detail from the back cover of the bound collection of magazines for the year 1900. The image is of a string of red roses helpd up into a festoon or banner by tapes or ribbons, making a sort of full-width top border. [more...] [$]

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