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Jugend [German art magazine] (page 1/2)


Some pictures from the German art magazine Jugend. I was given (very kindly) two collected volumes and I am slowly scanning the images that are out of copyright (as I read German copyright law).

Jugend (Youth) Magazine was very influential in Germany, and gave rise to Jugendstile, the German name for Art Nouveau.

See also Jugend 1900.

Title: Jugend [German art magazine]

Author: Various

City: Munich

Date: 1903

Total items: 7

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Execution]


This rather dramatic picture showd person about to be hung by an angry mob until they are dead. People are tugging on the rpe to raise the victim; they wear workers’ clothing and some of them are barefoot. [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: A Good Year]

A Good Year

Eingutes Jahr [more...] [$]

[picture: Persina]


A naked woman stands in a pond, her hands behind her head adjusting her long flowing hair, which reaches almost to her knees and covers her crotch modestly. There are yellow [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Snow White]

Snow White

Schneewitchen [Snow White, or, Little Snowdrop] [more...] [$]

[picture: On the Lower Rhine]

On the Lower Rhine

On the top a chimney of a mediæval house or castle, with its steep tiled roof, suttered windows, rain gutters, and a dome, we see a large bird’s nest, a stork’s breeding-place, with one stork standing, two little ones, and another flying. In the distance a lake, a [...] [more...] [$]

Tags in this source:

apples art nouveau bare feet beards birds borders cartici castles colour death domes dwarfs dwarves endpieces execution eyes faces fairies fairy tales floriated ornament flowers foliated borders foliated ornament frames fruit full-page borders hair hanging hatred illustrations for children injustice ivy ladders leaves lynching men murder mythological creatures nudity orchards ornaments people picking rivers roofs shutters sketches snow white storks trees views water windows women workers workmen

Places shown:

Germany ·Lower Rhine ·none

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