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Jugend [German art magazine] (page 2/2)


Some pictures from the German art magazine Jugend. I was given (very kindly) two collected volumes and I am slowly scanning the images that are out of copyright (as I read German copyright law).

Jugend (Youth) Magazine was very influential in Germany, and gave rise to Jugendstile, the German name for Art Nouveau.

See also Jugend 1900.

Title: Jugend [German art magazine]

Author: Various

City: Munich

Date: 1903

Total items: 7

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: A Good Year]

A Good Year

Eingutes Jahr [more...] [$]

[picture: On the Lower Rhine]

On the Lower Rhine

On the top a chimney of a mediæval house or castle, with its steep tiled roof, suttered windows, rain gutters, and a dome, we see a large bird’s nest, a stork’s breeding-place, with one stork standing, two little ones, and another flying. In the distance a lake, a [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Persina]


A naked woman stands in a pond, her hands behind her head adjusting her long flowing hair, which reaches almost to her knees and covers her crotch modestly. There are yellow [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Execution]


This rather dramatic picture showd person about to be hung by an angry mob until they are dead. People are tugging on the rpe to raise the victim; they wear workers’ clothing and some of them are barefoot. [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Art Nouveau Border with ivy leaves and face.]

Art Nouveau Border with ivy leaves and face.

This border in green and brown features a the head of young man with a slightly puzzled smile, ivy leaves, perhaps a halo, and stylized rectangular vines. It originally surrounded a German poem, [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Typographic ornament with leaves and flowers]

Typographic ornament with leaves and flowers

I think it’s ment to be ivy or oak, with maybe bluebell flowers? I’m not sure. This is a typographic ornament or end-piece for finishing off a chapter. [more...] [$]

[picture: Snow White]

Snow White

Schneewitchen [Snow White, or, Little Snowdrop] [more...] [$]

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