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London (Volume I) (page 1/2)


Some images from London, edited by Charles Knight (1841).

Vol I

Vol II

Vol IV

Vol VI

There is a complete copy of the text and images from this book: The Perseus Project, Bolles Collection, but it is copyrighted and the images can only be reused for personal or educational purposes. If there are any images there that you would like to see me scan and place in the public domain, let me know (tell me the volume number and full image title).

The images here are all in the public domain.

There is also an entry in the Nuttall Encyclopædia for Charles Knight.

Title: London (Volume I)

Author: Knight, Charles

City: London

Date: 1841

Total items: 3

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Watchmen]


Two men in long winter cloaks walk the night-time streets of London, each carrying a lantern. One also has a hand-bell and both have spears. The image is credited to “Dekker, 1616.” [more...] [$]

[picture: Street Music---1789.]

Street Music—1789.

Dayes, who published a collection of street views about 1789, has given us the group which concludes our paper. Here we have the organ, the triangle, the tambourine, and the hurdy-gurdy,—each striving which should be loudest, and winning by their united exertions the applause of all bystanders. After the peace our thoroughfares gradually resounded with the somewhat improved melody of [...]coiffure accompanied the organ with the monotonous chant of “Le gai Troubadour.” An Italian was now and then imported with his guitar; and his knowledge of harmony compensated for his somewhat cracked voice. All at once glee-singers started up; and they are now common. Then a “noise” or two of really tolerable insrtumental performers were to be found in Portland Place and other streets of the west; and even those who were familiar with Rossini might stop to listen. We are still advancing; and in a few years the Act which protects housekeepers from the nuisance of street musicians will be a dead letter. (p. 143) [more...] [$]

[picture: Lantern-carrier]


A bearded man wearing a broad-brimmed hat and wearing a heavy winter coat walks forward carrying a spear in his left hand and a lit lantern, or lanthorn, in his right. [more...] [$]

Tags in this source:

animals beards busking children christmas dogs instruments lanterns musicians people poverty spears street scenes watchmen weapons winter

Places shown:

London ·none

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