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William Shakspere Biography (page 2/2)

[picture: Front Cover, Biography of Shakespeare]

Some images from “William Shakspere: A Biography” by Charles Knight, 1843 (reprinted by Collier of New York). The spelling of Shakespeare is used in most of Knight’s works.

Bought at Odyssey Books on Rue Stanley, Montreal, QC, Canada, on 5th August 2007.

This book is also online (in lower resolution) at

Title: William Shakspere Biography

Author: Knight, Charles

City: London

Date: 1841

Total items: 7

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: Front Cover, Biography of Shakespeare]

Front Cover, Biography of Shakespeare

The front cover of this book has the wrong title, “The Works of Shakspere” instead of “William Shakspere: A Biography.” [$]

[picture: Shottery Cottage]

Shottery Cottage

The cottage in Stratford-on-Avon where William Shakespeare’s wife, Anne Hathaway, lived as a child. Shottery is the name of a village near Stratford. [more...] [$]

[picture: Bacon.]


Francis Bacon, the lawyer, and William Shakspere, the actor, are unconscious each of the greatness of the other. The difference of their rank probably prevents that communication which might have [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Elizabeth]


Elizabeth, the Queen, is now in her fifty-fifth year. She is ten years younger than when Paul Hentzner described her, as he saw her surrounded with her state in this same palace. The wrinkles of her face, oblong and fair, were perhaps not yet very marked. Her small black eyes, according to the same authority, were pleasant even in her age. The hooked [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Sir Philip Sidney]

Sir Philip Sidney

In the spring of 1588…. [more...] [$]

[picture: Glamis Castle.]

Glamis Castle.

The Dunsinane Hills form a long range extending in a north-easterly direction from Perth to Glamis. The castle of the “thane of Glamis” has been made a traditionary scene of the murder of Duncan [in Macbeth]. Birnam Hill is to the north-west of Perth; and between the two elevations there is a [...] of the Tay. [more...] [$]

[picture: William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke]

William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke

William Pembroke, 1580 – 1630, is remembered in the name of a Cambridge University college for his gift of Greek manuscripts. Chalmers has a short short biography of William Herbert that does not mention the following, taken from the Knight biography of Shakespeare: [more...] [$]

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