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Typo Ornamenty (page 1/2)


Some images from “Typo Ornamenty” by Milan Kopríva, Prague, 1990 (second edition) and edited by Holy Bohuslav.

This fabulous publication is a collection of hundreds of separate A4 sheets, not bound together, of typographic borders, ornaments, initial letters and much more. The images are out of copyright and the book is made to be scanned and reused.

The title page says,

Pracovníkům redakcí nakladatelství, polygrafie a milovníkům typografie vybral a usporádal Milan Kopríva. Pražské nakladatelství PLUTO 1990

In English, that is, according to Google Translate,

Publishing house, polygraphy and lovers of typography picked and arranged Milan Kopríva. Prague publishing house PLUTO 1990.

I bought this at Antikvariát Dlážděná in Prague.

Title: Typo Ornamenty

Author: Kopríva, Milan

City: London

Date: 1990

Total items: 8

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Dark Zodiac]

Dark Zodiac

These square pictures represent the twelve signs of the zodiac. From top to bottom, left to right, they are: [more...] [$]

[picture: Various Chapterheads or Heraldic  Supprting Devices]

Various Chapterheads or Heraldic Supprting Devices

A dragon, a wyvern, a swan, a stag turning into vines and foliage what more could you want? These designes generally go on either side of a crest, as shown in the third [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Corner Bookcase Ornament]

Corner Bookcase Ornament

This vignette or round image could ba a tailpiece, an ornament at the end of a chapter, or a decoration for an article about books or reading, perhaps, or a private secret place where we love to [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Four Seasons Personified, and Zodiac Signs Personified]

Four Seasons Personified, and Zodiac Signs Personified

The four seasons, each represented by a woman in a long dress, are shown inside a border with fancy corners; to the right are the pictures for the twelve signs of the zodiac. [more...] [$]

[picture: Art Nouveau Nude Archer in Forest]

Art Nouveau Nude Archer in Forest

A boy or young man (based on his proportions) is about to fire an arrow from his bow. He is naked, barefoot, and has wings that reach down to his heels; there’s a strap over one shoulder, probably for a quiver holding [...] [more...] [$]

Tags in this source:

alphabets androgyny angels archery art nouveau astrology autumn bare feet bookcases books boys chapterheads cherubs circular colour complete alphabets crosses death decoration deer dragons drawings fantasy flowers forests goth gothic greyscale heraldry illustrations leaves lettering letters men mythical creatures mythological creatures mythology nonbinary nudity ornaments people pictures of books round seasons signs skulls spring summer symbols tailpieces trees vines weapons winged wings winter women woods wyverns zodiac

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