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Four Seasons Personified, and Zodiac Signs Personifieddetails

[Picture: Four Seasons Personified, and Zodiac Signs Personified]
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Image title:

Four Seasons Personified, and Zodiac Signs Personified

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The four seasons, each represented by a woman in a long dress, are shown inside a border with fancy corners; to the right are the pictures for the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Spring is shown as full of optimism, crowned with flowers, barefoot.

Summer is a huntress with bow and arrow, barefoot on grass on the edge of a forest, her dog by her side.

Autumn (US: Fall) is a barefoot lady hugging a sheaf of wheat, crowned perhaps by grapes.

Winter wears a hooded cape over her long dress; in the background snow-covered fields.


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Scanner dpi:

2312 dots per inch (approximately)



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