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Decorative Initials with Naked People more
alphabets, complete alphabets, letters, lettering, art nouveau, people, men, women, nudity, mythology
These decorated initials, or drop caps, were first used in the March 1901 edition of Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, which is, German Art and Decoration, a German magazine of the time. They were made by Karl Lürtzing.
The figures are Biblical and classical, i’m told, although i have not yet identified them all (and neither did my source), so here are some guesses:
A is for Archer
B is a Bowman
D is for David (and Goliath)
E is for Eve
F is for Fire
I is for Ikarus
L might be for limping?
M is for Midas
R is for Justice (in German?)
S is pretty sad
T are dancing?
V is for Vanity
W is for a Vagabond (in German)
X is a shepherd boy
Y is sleeping
Z is on drugs
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