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Decorative Initials with Naked Peopledetails

[Picture: Decorative Initials with Naked People]
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Decorative Initials with Naked People

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These decorated initials, or drop caps, were first used in the March 1901 edition of Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, which is, German Art and Decoration, a German magazine of the time. They were made by Karl Lürtzing.

The figures are Biblical and classical, i’m told, although i have not yet identified them all (and neither did my source), so here are some guesses:

A is for Archer

B is a Bowman

D is for David (and Goliath)

E is for Eve

F is for Fire

I is for Ikarus

L might be for limping?

M is for Midas

R is for Justice (in German?)

S is pretty sad

T are dancing?

V is for Vanity

W is for a Vagabond (in German)

X is a shepherd boy

Y is sleeping

Z is on drugs

Please feel free to the the Comment link if you can improve on this!


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