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Eccles. Liber, In Quo Omnia ... (page 2/2)

[picture: Front Cover]

Scans From Girolamo di Manfredi’s book, Eccles. Liber, In Quo Omnia, Quae Hanc Materiam pertinent, copiosissime trectantur..., Bologna, printed by Giovanni Rossi, 1564. Plus, it has a really cool cover.

Title: Eccles. Liber, In Quo Omnia ...

Author: Manfredi, Girolamo di

City: Bologna

Date: 1564

Total items: 10

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: Front Cover]

Front Cover

The book has been bound in an older (printed) music manuscript. [more...] [$]

[picture: Dedication Page]

Dedication Page

This page has been repaired at some point in the past four or five hundred years, both with a small hole in the page and by reattaching to the binding. [more...] [$]

[picture: Shabby-Chic Cartouche!]

Shabby-Chic Cartouche!

This cartouche or frame is supported by two winged cherubs or putti, each holding rope with many tassels that connects to a broad-brimmed hat surmounting the frame. There is also a small cross. You can see the texture of the antique paper and also some [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Cartouche from Dedication Page]

Cartouche from Dedication Page

This woodcut features a scroll-work oval cartouche or frame, with a wide-brimmed hat on top of it. Two cherubs, or winged putti, one on either side, hold multi-tassled rope. I don’t know the significance of the broad-brimmed hat here. [more...] [$]

[picture: Cherub (cutout)]

Cherub (cutout)

A cherub or “putto” isolated from his background. [more...] [$]

[picture: pages 64, 65: page image]

pages 64, 65: page image

A double-page spread from the book. [$]

[picture: p. 46, larger area]

p. 46, larger area

An overview of a larger part of the same page as the detail. [$]

[picture: p. 46, fragment.]

p. 46, fragment.

A close-up of part of the page. [$]

[picture: a larger closeup]
[picture: Part of the cover]

Part of the cover

an older manuscript was reused for the binding. [$]

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