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Cartouche from Dedication Pagedetails

[Picture: Cartouche from Dedication Page]
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Cartouche from Dedication Page

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This woodcut features a scroll-work oval cartouche or frame, with a wide-brimmed hat on top of it. Two cherubs, or winged putti, one on either side, hold multi-tassled rope. I don’t know the significance of the broad-brimmed hat here.

There is also a version of this image that I didn’t clean up as much, making a shabby-chiq vintage woodcut.


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Added by MikeinFL on Sat Apr 20 08:02:08 2013

isn’t this the hat clergy of the Catholic Church wear, called a saturno, galero or cappello Romano? I think there also was a custom where the hat was raised to the ceiling (of the bishop’s cathedral and maybe the cardinal’s titular church?) after death. Bishops, archbishops and cardinals get the tassels, priests don’t, I think.

Added by Liam Quin on Sat Apr 20 14:45:31 2013

Mike, I think you are probably right. Tonight or tomorrow I’ll try and get the text from the page posted. Thanks!



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