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Dedication Pagedetails

[Picture: Dedication Page]
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Image title:

Dedication Page

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This page has been repaired at some point in the past four or five hundred years, both with a small hole in the page and by reattaching to the binding.

In the transcription here, the Latin came from Google Tanslate; I’d welcome corrections or improvements!

Nobilis, alta petens animus depressa relinquit.
Detritas quam fugit semper inire vias.
Qui binos scripsit, Juris pellendo tenebras
Mnfredus libros, Juvit utrunque forum
At nunc Cardineos proceres, sanctum qum senatum
Illius lector candida scripta docent.

Noble, aiming high and left a depressed mind. Sculpt than to enter into the ways of always runs away. Who wrote two, the right of expelling the darkness Manfredi books, helped both market But now Cardineos chiefs, then of the Senate His candid reader Scriptures teach.

Et quænam fuerint illis primordia, & under
Et cur de rigido Cardine nomen habent.
Quid bysso tenui, rubro & velentur amictu,
Signa quid ornati tot vener anda gerant.

And to them, they have been the beginnings of what, or from whence it And why they have the name of the rigid hinges. What a fine, and should cover the red dress, What signs are adorned so many venerable discussed manage.

Pontifici assistant summo, sibi quanta potestas
Terrarum, et cœlie quæ data jura tenent.
Plura quam subnectunt, non est quæ longa fatiget
Quæstio, pro multis sat liber unus erit.

Assist the Supreme Pontiff, to what a The earth, and which was given to Celio rights. More than subjoin, for the things that are not long weary The problem is, there is one book will be enough for many.

Hieronymous nomen sacrum, depromere sacros
Ecclesiæ voluit, fortia fulcra, viros.
Aspires tanto lector generose labori.
Sat mercedis erit, si tuus extat amor.

Hieronymous nomen sacrum, depromere sacros
Ecclesiæ voluit, fortia fulcra, viros.
Aspires tanto lector generose labori.
Sat mercedis erit, si tuus extat amor.

Today the back of the title page is usually either blank or is the “imprint page” with details about the exact edition and impression. In 1564 things weren’t quite so standard.

There are also separate images for the cartouche or frame with cherubs, like a crest, at the top of the page and a vintage textured version of the same cartouch.


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