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Edinburgh (page 2/2)

[picture: Front Cover (Masson Edinburgh)]

Images from Edinburgh (1912) by Rosaline Masson [1822 – 1907], with illustrations painted by John Fulleylove [1847 – 1908].

My edition is dated 1912; it was first printed in 1904, reprinted with slight alterations in 1907, and then reprinted in 1912.

Title: Edinburgh

Author: Masson, Rosaline Orme

Published by: A. and C. Black

Date: 1912

Total items: 6

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: Front Cover (Masson Edinburgh)]

Front Cover (Masson Edinburgh)

The book cover is blue with gold foil [$]

[picture: Holyrood Palace From the Public Gardens Under Calton Hill]

Holyrood Palace From the Public Gardens Under Calton Hill

“Holyrood Palace stretches across the picture east and west, and is dominated by Arthur’s Seat and Salisbury Crags. The dark turret at the west end of the nearest and north wing contains the private supper-room of Queen Mary, the room from which the Italian Rizzio was taken to his death. The end of the south wing shows beyond, and through a gap in the mean buildings, occupying the foreground of the picture, is seen the open space in front of the Palace, the restored fountain, and the entrance to a carriage road called the Queen’s Drive. The conical roofs of the towers of [more...] [$]

[picture: The Apartments of Mary Queen of Scots in Holyrood Palace]
[picture: The Church of St. Giles from the Lawnmarket]

The Church of St. Giles from the Lawnmarket

“The status of the Duke of Buccleuch shows immediately under the tower of the Cathedral, backed by the modernised west end of the building. Farther down the High Street, to the east, is the Tron Church, while to the right of the picture is a portion of the new County Hall. On the extreme left is the entrance from Lawnmarket to Baxter’s Close, where [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: John Knox's House, High Street]

John Knox’s House, High Street

“To the left of the square stone water-conduit, which occupies the centre of the picture, is seen the west front of this picturesque structure, and still farther to [more...] [$]

[picture: Quadrangle of George Heriot's Hospital]

Quadrangle of George Heriot’s Hospital

“The picture shows parts of the north and east sides of the Quadrangle. In the centre of the north side is the entrance doorway to the chapel, [more...] [$]

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