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Moderne Kunst in Meister-Holzschnitten Band IV (page 2/2)


Pictures from Moderne Kunst in Meister-Holzschnitten (Modern Art in Master Woodcuts), Berlin, c. 1898.

I think I bought this enormous book from Antikvariát Dlážděná in Prague. It’s an “elephant folio” with pages measuring 410×290mm (roughly 11½×16 inches), including many engravings that fill the page or even double-page spreads and fold-outs.

Despite the title, the images are probably engraved on metal, because wood this size was hard to work with.

The date 1898 for this book is a guess; it could be a couple of years on either side.

Title: Moderne Kunst in Meister-Holzschnitten Band IV

Editor: Bong, Richard

Published by: Richard Bong

City: Berlin

Date: 1898

Total items: 7

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: Wandering Minstrel]

Wandering Minstrel

This youth has a lute strapped to his back and holds an open manuscript book in his left hand in his right, a quill pen. Perhaps he is writing a song, although he won’t get far without an inkwell. [more...] [$]

[picture: Christmas Mass]

Christmas Mass

Choirboys, an orchestra, a conductor who appears to be starting into space, an inuntersested congregation, some of whom are kneeling at at the door. It looks as if perhaps we see a minstrel’s gallery, or a side-chapel, as the main procession and [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt (At Christmasfest)]

Auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt (At Christmasfest)

At the Christmas Festival Market.

The boy in the engraving sits holding a box, perhaps containing boxes of matches or small cakes; a candle (perhaps) is [more...] [$]

[picture: Ornate Victorian Border]

Ornate Victorian Border

On the edge of Art Nouveau, this coloured border includes a cherub or putto (a naked boy with or without wings) playing the violin. Originally it surrounded a drawing of a young German woman. [more...] [$]

[picture: Choirboy singing from balcony pulpit]

Choirboy singing from balcony pulpit

A beautiful boy chorister, or possibly a young lady by the costume and the long pointy fingers, is singing in a wooden pulpit or balcony high in the top-left corner of a page of sheet music (not shown). He or she has a red necklace and possibly a thurible. There are leaves that could be poinsetta but probably aren’t, a yellow songbird in a [more...] [$]

[picture: Banner, or Banderole]

Banner, or Banderole

This banner, bubble, banderole, ribbon, cartouche, speech scroll, angel banner, phylactery, whatever, originally contained a page title. [$]

[picture: Cherub playing a grand piano]

Cherub playing a grand piano

Strictly speaking i think he’s a putto, as cherubs have wings and putti are just plump little naked children, usually boys, although putti are sometimes depicted with wings. In this picture a red-haired putto or cherub is sitting on the piano stool, [...] [more...] [$]

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