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Christmas Still Lifedetails

[Picture: Christmas Still Life]
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Image title:

Christmas Still Life

Taken from


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A man wearing a brown suit jacket, red waistcoat, white cravat and top hat has a smile has a carried a platter of Christmas food over one shoulder and a wicker basked containing four bottles of wine. He has a Christmas card tucked into his waistcoat.

The picture is captioned Weihnachts-Stillleben, which is, Christmas Still-life, and is marked as being after a watercolour by E. Cucuel.

I have identified E. Cucel with Edward Cucel, who died in 1954, which means this item is not for commercial use before January 2025.

There is a poem under the man’s white-gloved left hand, reproduced here first as per Google Translate and then in the original German. It is by Wolfgang Kirchbach (?1790 – 1857).

Nicholas, Santa Claus,

also arrives in livery,

he doesn’t bring apples or nuts,

but with spiritual weight

and in an immaculate waistcoat

he gives the very best.

He who awakens the spirits,

Greetings, beloved champagne!

He who is kind to the heart,

Welcome, oh pheasant!

Game pie, curved-claw

lobster, revered with content!

Grapes, pineapples, how good

this picture is for the soul!

Yes, the food basket, finely selected

is the ideal of existence.

For eating with understanding

also means: measuring the content!

Wolfgang Kirchbach.

And in German:

Nikolas, der weihnachtsmann,

Kommt auch in Livreen an,

Aepfel, Nüsse bringt er nicht,

Doch mit geistigem Gewicht

Und in tadelloser Weste

Spendet er das Allerbeste.

Der die Lebensgeister wekt,

Sei gegrüsst, geliebter Sekt!

Der’s dem Herzen angethan,

Sei willkommen, o Fasan!

Wildpastete, scherenkrummer

Inhaltsvoll verehrter Hummer!

Trauben, Ananas, wie gut

Dieses Bild der Seele thut!

Ja, der Fresskorb, fein in Wahl

Ist des Daseins Ideal.

Denn verständnisreiches Essen

Heisst auch: den Gehalt ermessen!

Wolfgang Kirchbach.


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