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H Hendrich: Sea Fables more
people, women, water, monsters, sea creatures, mythological creatures, dragons, rocks, cities, illustrations for children
Here we see a woman, or perhaps a mermaid, emerging from the sea onto a rock, dripping with water. She is gazing at a sea-monster or dragon some way away, coming through a natural stone arch; in the background is a fabulous white city of stone, perhaps a palace.
H. Hendrich’s “Sea Fairy Tale” gives the [viewer] a good impression of the peculiarity of the artist, whose mastery is evident in scenes from operas played around with romantic colors. (p.320)
H. Hendrichs “Seemärchen” giebt den Beshaur einen guten Eindruck von der Eigenart des Künstlers, dessen Meisterschaft bakanntlich in mit romantischem Farbenzauber umspielten Scenen aus Opern zur Geltung kommt. p.320