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The Life of Mansie Wauch (page 2/2)


Images from The Life of Mansie Wauch, Tailor in Dalkeith written by himself and edited by D. M. Moir. Illustrated in colour by Charles Martin Hardie, R.S.A. (1858 – 1916) [October 1911]

The book pretends to be an autobiography but in fact the Cambridge History of English and American Literature says “David Macbeth Moir wrote for his friend, Galt, the last chapters of a novel, The Last of the Lairds, and was the author of The Life of Mansie Wauch, Tailor in Dalkeith (1828), a partly satirical, and very amusing, study of humble Scottish character, so shrewdly observed and neatly set down that the reader regrets its interruption by the interpolated romance The Curate of Suverdsio.

(I am not sure that the 1828 figure can be correct; as far as I can tell, Moir lived from 1822 to 1907.)

There is a Project Gutenberg edition of this text, but it is abridged to the point of being little more than a summary.

Title: The Life of Mansie Wauch

Author: Moir, D. M.

Published by: T. N. Foulis

City: London and Edinburgh

Date: 1911

Total items: 3

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: Thomas Burlings, Elder]

Thomas Burlings, Elder

“I mind very well too, on the afternoon of the dividual same day, that my door-neighbour, Thomas Burlings, popped in; [...] It’s a wearyfu’ thing that [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Mugo Glen]

Mugo Glen

Mungo Glen was a boy apprenticed to Mansie Wauch (the fictional Scottish tailor) at the age of fourteen. [more...] [$]

[picture: An Old Dalkeith Body]

An Old Dalkeith Body

The darkness of the latter days came over my spirit like a vision before the prophet Isaiah; and I could see nothing in the years to come but beggary and starvation; myself a fallen-back old man, with an out-at-the-elbows coat, a greasy hat, and a bald pow, hirpling over a staff, requeeshting an awmous—Nanse a broken-hearted beggar wife, torn down [...] [more...] [$]

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