Pictures from Nathan Bailey’s Universal Etymological English Dictionary from 1736 (I have the second edition.
You can also read the old dictionary entries that I have typed up from this book.
Title: Universal Etymological English Dictionary
Author: Bailey, Nathan
City: London
Date: 1736
Total items: 5
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
Some sample images
air (a)
Air [in Chymical Writers] is expressed by one of these Characters... [more...] [$]
The 1736 definition for Snow includes explanations of why snow is white and why the sharp points of snowflakes don’t hurt when they land on our skin. [more...] [$]
Front Cover
Like many antiquarian books from the eighteenth century, the front cover of Nathan Bailey’s Universal Etymological Dictionary is half-leather; that is, the spine and the fore-edge corners of the cover are bound in leather. If the corners are not covered with leather, the book is [...] [more...] [$]
air (b)
Air [in Chymical Writers] is expressed by one of these Characters... [more...] [$]
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