/ · 1736 Universal Etymological English Dictionary · d · Diamastigoˊsis
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Diamastigoˊsis [δεαμαSιγɆγιS, ofmaSigo:n, i.e.whipping, Gr.] a solemnity in honour of
Diana, as follows. Certain boys were carried to the altar of the goddess, and there severely
whipp’d, and lest the officer should out of compassion remit any thing of the rigour
of it, the priestess of
Diana stood by all the time, holding in her hand the image of the goddess, which was of
itself very light; but (as they relate) if the boys were spared, grew so weighty,
that the priestess was scarce able to support it; and lest the boys should faint under
the correction, or do any thing unworthy of the
Laconian education, their parents were present to exhort them to undergo it patiently, and
with great constancy; and so great was the bravery and resolution of the boys, that
tho’ they were lash’d till the blood gush’d out, and sometimes to death, yet a cry
or groan was seldom or never heard to proceed from any of them. Those that dy’d under
the ceremony were buried with garlands on their heads, in token of joy or victory,
and had the honour of a publick funeral.
Definition taken from
The Universal Etymological English Dictionary,
edited by Nathan Bailey (1736)
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