/ · 1736 Universal Etymological English Dictionary · h · Hurdles
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Hurdles or Clayes, are made of Branches or Twigs interwoven together in the Figure of a long Square,
about five or six Foot long, and three, or three and a half broad; the closer they
are wovem, they are the better.
They are for several Uses, as for covering Traverses and Lodgements, Caponeers, Coffers, &c. and are covered over with Earth to secure them from the artificial Fireworks
of the Enemy, and fom the Stones which mught be thrown upon them; and likewise to
lay upon marshy Ground, or to pass the Foss, especially when it is full of Mud or Slime.
Definition taken from
The Universal Etymological English Dictionary,
edited by Nathan Bailey (1736)