Inciˊding Medicines

Inciˊding Medicines cutting ones, which consist of pointed and sharp Particles, as Acids and most Salts do; by the Insinuation or Force of which they divide the Particles of other Bodies that before cohered one with another.

Definition taken from The Universal Etymological English Dictionary, edited by Nathan Bailey (1736)

Inch of Candle, or Sale * Inclination, or Propensity [in Painting and Sculpture]
Iˊmages [in Rhetorick]
Iˊmages [in Poetry]
Iˊmage [in Physics]
Iˊmage [in Opticks]
Iˊmages [in Discourse]
Impediaˊti Canes [Law Rec.]
Impeˊrial Lily
Impeˊrial Table
Imperiaˊli [with Moralists]
Inch of Candle, or Sale
Inciˊding Medicines
Inclination, or Propensity [in Painting and Sculpture]
Incombuˊstible Cloth
Inconstancy, or Inconstantness [in Painting and Sculpture]
Incubus [with Physicians]
Indoˊcibleness, or Indo’cilness, or Indoci’lity
Injury [in Sculpture or Painting]