/ · 1736 Universal Etymological English Dictionary · l · Laˊbyrinth of Egypt
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Laˊbyrinth of Egypt
Laˊbyrinth of Egypt [labyrinthe (F.) laberinto (It. and Sp.) labyrinthus (L.) λαβ’yαιν@οβ (Gr.)] built by Psamniticus, on the baks of the river Nile, situate on the south of the Pyramids, and north of Arsinoe: It contained within the compass of one continued wall, 1000 houses, and 12 royal
palaces, all covered with marble; and had only one entrance; but innumerable turnings
and returnings, sometimes one over another; and all in a manner scarce to be found,
but by such as were acquainted with them; the building being more under ground than
above; the marble stones were laid with such art, that neither wood nor cement was
used in any part of the fabrick; the chambers were so disposed, that the doors at
their opening gave a report as terrible as a crack of thunder.
The main entrance of all was white marble, adorn’d with stately columns, and curious
Being arrived at the end, a pair of stairs of 90 steps, conducted to a stately portico,
supported with pillars of Theban stone, which was the entrance into a stately and spacious hall (the place of their
general conventions) all of polished marble, adorn’d with the statues of their gods.
This labyrinth was accounted one of the seven wonders of the world.
This work was afterwards imitated by Dædalus, in the Cretan labyrinth, tho’ it fell as short of the glories of this, as Minos was inferior to Psamniticus in power and riches.
There was also a third at Lemnos, famous for its sumptuous pillars; and a fourth, that of Italy, which Porsenna, King of Hetruria, designed for a sepulchre for him and his successors.
There was also one at Woodstock in Oxfordshire, made by king Henry II. for fair Rosamund.
Definition taken from
The Universal Etymological English Dictionary,
edited by Nathan Bailey (1736)
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