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Libro Nuovo [The New Book] (page 1/2)


Page images and details from Three Classics of Italican Calligraphy, An Unabridged Reissue of the writing Books of Arrighi, Taglienti and Palatino, with an introduction by Oscar Ogg, Dover, 1953.

This book is a fac-simile of a 16th century book that published reprints (using the original blocks) of three separate books by the three masters of Italian calligraphy. The images here are from Giovanbattista Palatino’s book Libro Nuovo, or, the New Book. Palatino is also called Giovanni Battista Palatino.

Title: Libro Nuovo [The New Book]

Author: Palatino, Giovanbattista

City: Rome

Date: 1561

Total items: 4

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Alphabetum Egiptiorum]

Alphabetum Egiptiorum

An “Egyptian Alphabet” of some sort, written out by the famous Italian calligrapher Giovanni Battista Palatino. This might be an early Coptic script. [more...] [$]

[picture: Scrollwork Border from page 227]

Scrollwork Border from page 227

This sixteenth century engraved border was made by Palatino, an engraver and calligrapher of the early sixteenth century. [more...] [$]

[picture: 227.---Alphabetum Indicum.]

227.—Alphabetum Indicum.

I am not sure which alphabet is intended to be depicted here. [more...] [$]

[picture: Imitation vellum or paper scroll border]

Imitation vellum or paper scroll border

This narrow full-page border is designed with a trompe l’oeil effect to look as if it’s made from an old cracked and torn scroll of paper or vellum or parchment. [more...] [$]

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alphabets borders calligraphy frames full-page borders page images ribbons scripts scrolls scrollwork surrounds

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