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42.—Wayland Smith’s Cavedetails

[Picture: Walyand Smith’s Cave]
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42.—Wayland Smith’s Cave, in Wayland’s Smithy Long Barrow, Lambourn, Berkshire, England more

people, caves, druids, megaliths, tombs


Image title:

42.—Wayland Smith’s Cave

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In the neighbourhood of Lambourn, in Berkshire, are many barrows, and amongst them is found the cromlech called Wayland Smith. The tradition which Scott has so admirably used in his ‘Kenilworth’ that a supernatural smith here dwelt, who would shoe a traveller’s horse for a “consideration,” is one of the many superstitions that belong to these places of doubtful origin and use, a remnant of the solemn feelings with which they were once regarded. (p. 18)

See also a Digital Digging page about Wayland’s Smithy Long Barrow which appears to be the modern name.

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