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245.—Saxon Emblems of the Month of May.details

[Picture: 245.—Saxon Emblems of the Month of May.]
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245.—Saxon Emblems of the Month of May.

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This illustration of the month of May is taken from an Anglo-Saxon manuscript in the British Museum, Cotton Tiberius B 5. It shows people wearing simple clothing, with cloaks and shoes. At left a falconer wearing a long flowing robe sits on a horse; this would be someone of a higher or nobler class. Then in the centre we have two shepherds, one holding a sheep and the other holding a shepherd’s staff, or crook, while three others sing. On the right a vintner, possily wearing sandals or barefoot, and with the horte tunic of a worker, is tending a vine growing against a wooden trellis.

May, from Cotton Tiberius Bv at the british Museum


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2314 dots per inch (approximately)



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