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1029.—Dominican, or Black Friardetails

[Picture: 1029.—Dominican, or Black Friar]
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1029.—Dominican, or Black Friar

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The monk shown here is a Black Friar; despite the text he has neither bare feet nor sandals, but wears shoes; he also has more ornate robes than the text would seem to imply.

In a great measure, men are created by their times. Powerful and new minds were just then loudly called for, and they sprang up at the call. There was a contemporary of St. Francis, born in another land, and with whom it does not appear he had any communication, yet they seem to have been inspired with perceptions, zeal, and talents nearly identical, were canonized within five years of each other, and were the founders of orders so nearly alike, that the chief difference we can discover was, that the habits of the followers of Dominic de Guzman were black, with a white rochet (Fig. 1029), and those of Francis grey [see Fig. 1028]. The Dominicans first entered England. Thirteen Spanish friars and a superior came, with high testimonials and recommendations from the Pope and other leading men of the holy see; they came on foot, being forbidden to mount on horseback by the humility of their rule; they came teaching the poor and ignorant, who had almost ceased to hear the voice of a preacher, and they came with so little of the cumbersome formality of ecclesiastical worship, that their portable pulpits and altars were set up in the streets and highways. (p. 294)


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