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1140.—Library Chair, Reading Table, and Reading Desk (Royal MS. 15D iii.)details

[Picture: 1140.—Library Chair, Reading Table, and Reading Desk (Royal MS. 15D iii.)]
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1140.—Library Chair, Reading Table, and Reading Desk (Royal MS. 15D iii.), in England more

royalty, scholars, pictures of books, furniture, christmas


Image title:

1140.—Library Chair, Reading Table, and Reading Desk (Royal MS. 15D iii.)

Taken from


Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free stock image for all purposes usage credit requested
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The square-backed chair (Fig. 1146) was frequent in the mansions of the thirteenth century. In the fourteenth, they, and other articles combining household utility and elegance, were modified by the pointed architecture, and partook of the beautiful variety of its forms: this, in the engraving of Library furniture (Fig. 1140) we see in the reading-table a miniature spire or pinnacle, with little pointed arches.” (p. 334)

A crowned king sits on a canopied chair with a circular table in front of him piled high with books. He reads with a pointed finger. Nearby is a lectern or book stand holding a single open book.

I made the reading stand or lectern available as a separate image.



65 x 58mm (2.6 x 2.3 inches)

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Scanner dpi:

2400 dots per inch



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