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1148.—Circular Chess Board (Cotton MS. and Strutt.)details

[Picture: 1148.—Circular Chess Board (Cotton MS. and Strutt.)]
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1148.—Circular Chess Board (Cotton MS. and Strutt.) more

games, chess


Image title:

1148.—Circular Chess Board (Cotton MS. and Strutt.)

Taken from


Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free stock image for all purposes usage credit requested
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Draughts (Fig. 1145) and chess were amusements of the higher ranks. The circular board (Fig. 1148) is peculiar; the chess-men differed somewhat in form and name from the ordinary chess-men.” (p. 334)

Doesn’t look like any game of chess I’ve seen. Maybe the King goes on the “square” marked 1, the Queen on 2, the bishops on 3, the knights on 4 and the rooks on 5, with 6 being the pawns? Variants such as this (if it is in fact a chess-board) are sometimes called Fairy Chess. Let me know if you try this!


Place shown:


Added by alice on Tue Jun 17 10:46:50 2008

I thought you might want to tag this as chess, even though it’s not a traditional chess board. amazing site, thanks

Added by Liam on Tue Jun 17 19:16:00 2008

Thanks—I have done so!



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