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Legends of the Seven Seas (page 1/2)

[picture: Front Cover]

Some pictures from Legends of the Seven Seas by Margaret Evans Price, with illustrations by the author.

Although i bought this book in 2017 at Alphabet Books in their September sale, the illustrations were protected by copyright until the end of 2024. They are now out of copyright: book published in the US in or before 1929, written and illustrated by an American. The edition i have says, Printed in the USA.

Title: Legends of the Seven Seas

Author: Price, Margaret Evans

Published by: Harper & Brothers

City: New York and London

Date: 1929

Total items: 3

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Front Cover]

Front Cover

The front cover of this book of fairy tales is in blue buckram with gold lettering. [$]

[picture: Her mirror was the smooth water of the tide pool]

Her mirror was the smooth water of the tide pool

A mermaid, a young naked woman, sits on a rock and combs her long hair, her fish’s tail dangling in the water. Gulls circle by her head. A black and white drawing in a surprisingly modern art deco style. [more...] [$]

[picture: The white horse carried the earth king’s son and the princess over the sea]

The white horse carried the earth king’s son and the princess over the sea

… the spike was no more of iron. It was white like ivory, and when the king’s son touched it with his fingers [...] he saw that the spike had become a horn and a [...] [more...] [$]

Tags in this source:

animals birds black and white book covers colour horses illustrations for children lettering mermaids mythical creatures nudity people peoppe princes princesses riding sitting unicorns water waves women

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