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Emblems Divine and Moral (page 1/2)


Pictures and extracts from Francis Quarles’ Emblems, Divine and Moral, including The School of the Heart and Hieroglyphics of the Life of Man, by the poet Francis Quarles [d. 1644]; this very late edition is from 1866, and includes a sketch of the life and times of the author, and also wood engravings to illustrate each emblem. It was published by William Tegg in London in 1866. The artist is not credited, and I’m guessing that the illustrations are from the 18th century; this would place them well out of copyright.

Title: Emblems Divine and Moral

Author: Quarles, Francis

Published by: William Tegg

City: London

Date: 1866

Total items: 4

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Emblem 1. Serpent. Eve.]

Emblem 1. Serpent. Eve.

This woodcut shows a naked woman (the Biblical Eve) near an apple tree; a snake or serpent coils round the trunk of the tree. In the background ar a palm tree, a camel, and, in the far distance, a man whom we make [...]
Totus mundus in maligno (maliligno) positus est.
Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away by his own lust, and enticedJames i. 14. [more...] [$]

[picture: Emblem 2.  Sin brings forth death.]

Emblem 2. Sin brings forth death.

In the background, a face of a storm-god blows a wind and makes a sailing ship race atop a giant wave; lightning and rain are in the background, and a building burns. In the foreground stands a naked man with a conveniently placed and eminently suitable cock’s head obscuring part of his anatomy. He holds an apple: he is Adam. In front of him a giant [...]
Si malum cecuit unicium in omne malum
Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death., James i. 15. [more...] [$]

[picture: Title Page Detail: Francis Quarles]

Title Page Detail: Francis Quarles

A supposed portrait of the author, Francis Quarles, taken from the title page. He is shown with a goatee beard in appropriate seventeenth-century style, and holding a book. [more...] [$]

[picture: The Invocation.]

The Invocation.

The illustration for “The Invocation” at the start of the first book shows a person lying on the ground resting against a tree, barefoot, with a lute on the ground nearby, and an heraldic shield hung over another tree, together with a laurel wreath. The sun’s rays shine down. [...]Majora Canamus, which is, Let us sing of great things. On the right are the Latin words Vix ea nostra, an allusion to Ovid’s Metamorphoses: [more...] [$]

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