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Images and some text extracts from L’Ornament Polychrome, Cent Planches en Couleurs Or et Argent [etc] by De M. A. Racinet, 1869 – 188.
I have the fac simile published by Taschen; the text has been translated from the French into English and German, but I think only in summary form. In addition, the fac simile mixes illustrations from L’Ornement des Tissus receuil historique et pratique by M. Dupont-Auberville (1877).
Title: L’Ornament Polychrome (Ornament in Colour)
Published by: Librarie de Firmin Didot Frères, Fils et Cie.
City: Paris
Date: 1869
Total items: 12
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
Fig. 99 No. 7.—Ornate border, 9th century, Gallo-Frankish School.
This gold full-page border from the ninth century features knotwork at the upper corners and two lions on the top. I also made a simplified version of this border. [more...] [$]
Persion ceramic tile border: flowers and vines, bright version
This is a more brightly coloured version of the Persian ceramic tile full-page border. Note that the brightness of the dark blue background may vary as the image is resized or sharpened. [more...] [$]
Fig. 57. No. 6.—Persian Ceramic Tile Border
This full-page border design is taken from ancient persian ceramic building tiles. The original tiles go from the centre of one rosette to the next, and are 10 inches (25cm) from [...] [more...] [$]
Inhabited Initial letter B, Anglo-Saxon
This capital letter B is from an Anglo-Saxon illuminated manuscript from about 1,000 years ago; the book does not identify the exact source but notes that although the decoration is in the Celtic [...] [more...] [$]
Horizontal vintage border with female angels
This 15th century border includes a monogram set in a circle which is surrounded by pearls and supported by two winged women with lion’s feet, and from whome spring vines and foliage. [more...] [$]
Images and some text extracts from L’Ornament Polychrome, Cent Planches en Couleurs Or et Argent [etc] by De M. A. Racinet, 1869 – 188.
I have the fac simile published by Taschen; the text has been translated from the French into English and German, but I think only in summary form. In addition, the fac simile mixes illustrations from L’Ornement des Tissus receuil historique et pratique by M. Dupont-Auberville (1877).
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