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Out to Old Aunt Mary’s (page 2/2)

[picture: Front cover, Out to Old Aunt Mary's]

Pictures and words from Out to Old Aunt Mary’s by James Whitcomb Riley (1904); Drawings by Howard Chandler Christy, and decorations by Margaret Armstrong. Originally published in 1887; my copy is dated 1904.

Title: Out to Old Aunt Mary’s

Author: Riley, James Whitcomb

Published by: The Bobbs-Merrill Company

City: Brooklyn, N.Y., USA

Date: 1904

Total items: 5

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: Front cover, Out to Old Aunt Mary's]

Front cover, Out to Old Aunt Mary’s

The front cover of this small book for children is green, with a gray oval insert showing a picture of Aunt Mary herself. The lettering is in gold. [more...] [$]

[picture: Page 1: In those old days]

Page 1: In those old days

“In those old days of the lost sunshine
  Of youth” (p. 1) [more...] [$]

[picture: Page 2: Wasn't it pleasant, O brother mine]

Page 2: Wasn’t it pleasant, O brother mine

“Wasn’t it pleasant, O brother mine,
In those old days of the lost sunshine
    Of youth—when the Saturday’s chores were through,
    And the “Sunday’s wood” in the kitchen, too,
    And we went visiting, “me and you”,
        Out to old Aunt Mary’s?—” (p. 2) [more...] [$]

[picture: Page 3. The Sunday Wood]

Page 3. The Sunday Wood

The picture shows two boys carring small logs suitable for use in the woodstove in the background; the nearer boy is barefoot and the farther one (whose feet are not in the picture) wears a yellow hat. Both boys are smiling. A kettle boils in the background; we can also see the chimney-flue for the stove. In the foreground there’s a hat on the floor. [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Page 5.  The scent of the cherry-blossoms]

Page 5. The scent of the cherry-blossoms

“The scent of the cherry-blossoms blown
After us, in the roadway lone” (p. 5) [more...] [$]

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