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Writing Deskdetails

[Picture: Writing Desk]
previous image

Image title:

Writing Desk

Taken from


Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free stock image for all purposes usage credit requested
Please do not redistribute without permission, since running this site is expensive.


A small illustration to enliven the space at the end of Chapter VI. A bearded man sits writing at a mediæval writing desk; there are scrolls in the foreground, and a gargoyle’d trifoliate carving on his bench along with a small statue in the background indicate a monastic or other religious setting.



46 x 45mm (1.8 x 1.8 inches)

Place shown:


Added by Bernaldo Barrena on Fri, 18th June 2010, 11am

Congratulations for your site. I’ve found this image from Wikipedia, and discovered the link to your page. I find the image great to be a part of my blog design, so i’ve put it on my web as header. Hope you don’t mind, but if you do, tell me and i will remove it. Of course, i’ve linked back to your site on my footer.

Added by Liam R E Quin on Fri, 18th June 2010, 3pm

Thanks! I am pleased you like the image, and thank you for linking to my site!

Added by Lee McAulay on Wed Aug 29 17:03:45 2012

Thank you so much for a wonderful site. This particular image was just what I needed for my latest blog post, and I’ve linked back here. If you would like me to remove the image please let me know.
Kind regards,

Added by Liam on Wed Aug 29 23:35:00 2012

Thank you for letting me know! No, no need to remove the image!



Scanner dpi:

2400 dots per inch



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