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The Catacombs of Naplesdetails

[Picture: The Catacombs of Naples]
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Image title:

The Catacombs of Naples

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The Catacombs of Naples are of great interest even after those of Rome; they are said to extend for several miles underground; and they consist of broad arched passages hollowed out of the rock, containing on either side niches which once contained the bodies of the dead. They were without doubt [says Rodwell] excavated by the early Christians; many Christians emblems are painted upon the walls, sometimes in a very rude manner. In some places the original fresco has been covered with a coating of plaster, and a second fresco has been painted over the first, occasionally even a third. (p. 141)

a modern picture



110 x 163mm (4.3 x 6.4 inches)

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Scanner dpi:

2400 dots per inch



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