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Miniature painting of a woman reading a music bookdetails

[Picture: Miniature painting of a woman reading a music book]
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colour, people, books, christmas


Image title:

Miniature painting of a woman reading a music book

Taken from


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A Mediæval (OK, Medieval in America) miniature painting taken from a Latin book of hours. The picture shows a richly-dressed woman reading from a book, seemingly of music; she also holds a peacock feather, presumably to signify that she is of noble birth. In the background is a tower, perhaps of a castle.

Rebecca Klingbeil suggests in private correspondance that this image may well depict Saint Cecelia, the patroness of music, who is usually depicted either with a songbook or an organ (though both are anachronistic for her).


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Scanner dpi:

300 dots per inch



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