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Musée Artistique et Littéraire, Le (page 1/2)


Pictures and captions from “Le Musée Artistique et Littéraire: Revue Hebdomadaire Ilustrée” edited by J. Rouam, Paris, 1881. here are illustrations from Tome VI (volume 6); I also have Volume 4.

Title: Musée Artistique et Littéraire, Le

Author: Rouam, J. (ed.)

Published by: Libraire De L'Art

City: London & Paris

Date: 1881

Total items: 5

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Border with mathematical instruments]

Border with mathematical instruments

This chapter head is made of two parts: to the left and top, an L-shaped steel ruler or square, perhaps, with a weight hanging by a string (a pumb-line probably; it may have been a roofing square); under the top part of the ruler, a collection of protractors, a telescope, dividers, [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: A Dance of Shepherdesses]

A Dance of Shepherdesses

The drawing reproduced as an engraving shows three women, barefoot and in ankle-length short-sleeved dresses. One is seated, playing divided pipes; she’s sitting on the steps of a circular neo-Classical temple with fluted columns. The othr two women have wreathes in their hair, one of daisies and the other of laurel leaves. They dance together left [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Le Chateau de la Grangefort-sir-Allier. Vue Generale.]

Le Chateau de la Grangefort-sir-Allier. Vue Generale.

Château de la Grange Fort, Grangefort. [more...] [$]

[picture: Statue of Mirabeau]

Statue of Mirabeau

A well-dressed man in a suit has one arm outstretched to point the way forward, a French sculpture that could have been used as a directional signpost. The statue was exhibited at the Paris exhibition (salon) of [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Tailpiece with grotesque gargoyle figure]

Tailpiece with grotesque gargoyle figure

This ornate end-of-chapter ornament, or tail-piece, includes a grotesque horned head with a hollow mouth, as for a drain-spout of a gargoyle. [$]

Tags in this source:

animals astrolabes bare feet battlements borders castles chapterheads columns countryside dance dancing engineering fecundity fishers full-page borders gargoyles grotesques hills mathematics men mouths music mythical creatures ornament people pillars pipes pointing portraits rivers rulers rural science scientific instruments sheep spring statuary statues tailpieces technology temples towers trees views water women

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