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A Mighty Queendetails

[Picture: A Mighty Queen]
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Image title:

A Mighty Queen




out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free stock image for all purposes usage credit requested
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This engraving shos a queen holding her globus cruciger (an orb with a cross on top symbolizing siritual and temporal power) and a wand or sceptre (or possibly a spear); she wwears a crown and what might be a Roman-style dress. To her left sits a priest with a cross and a book, presumably the bible since its covers bear the letters alpha and omega, the Greek for the beginning and the end; to her left a girl pets a dog. Above, a cherub holds a loft a shield with five stars.

It’s likely that this depicts someone specific, quite likely an Austrian queen, or possibly a mythological character such as the warrior-goddess Brigantia.

The picture is signed C. Karger, almost certainly the Viennese artist Karl Karger, who often signed himself Carl Karger.

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$Id: mkgallery,v 1.27 2012/09/03 22:34:40 liam Exp liam $