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Pommery Champagnedetails

[Picture: Pommery Champagne]
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Image title:

Pommery Champagne

Taken from


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An old advert for Pommery Champagne, showing a silhouette of a vintner holding up a bunch of grapes and a silhouette of a lady in a summer dress holding up a glass.

The text is characteristically American, and reads as follows:

“The Standard For Quality.”

Pommery Champagne

Through every process—from grape to glass—money, infinite care and long experi­ence combine to give Pommery tat subtle, distinctive quality which has won the warmest approval of those best qualified to judge cham upon its merits.

Charles Graef & Co., Sole Agents for United States, 32 Beaver Street, New York. (p. 122)


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Scanner dpi:

800 dots per inch



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