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William Seward’s Travels Around the World, edited by Olive Risley Steward and copyrighted by her for him in 1873 after the death of the author.
The book is divided into sections: United States, Canada, and Pacific Ocean; Japan, China, and Cochin China; The Eastern Archpelago, Straits of Malacca, and Ceylon; British India; Egypt and Palestine; Europe.
William H Seward was an American secretary of State, although the book does not seem to mention that.
The book measures approx. 155x235mm (a little over 6 x 9 inches).
There is also an entry in the Nuttall Encyclopædia for William Henry Seward.
Title: Travels Around the World
City: New York
Date: 1873
Total items: 8
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
[Karnak] is the most imposing ruin in the world, devastated sadly, but not in a heap of débris. The ruins cover an area of nearly two miles in circumference. Was there one symmetrial structure, dedicated to one worship, or was there a combination of many temples, dedicated to many gods? The former idea is supported by the fact that there are still traceable twelve approaches to the ruins, in different [...] [more...] [$]
(p. 626). Historians belive that Jaffa is the only port in the world which can boast uninterrupted inhabitation throughout its entire existence. The Canaanites founded the city in the 18th [...]the beautiful). It’s in Palestine, but has been occupied by the Israeli military since 1948. [more...] [$]
Entrance to the Cave of the Elephanta
We ascended an easy flight of stone steps to a plateau one hundred and fifty feet above the sea. [...] Passing to the centre of the plateau and turning to the right, we confronted a work of human art, gigantic and marvelous. It is a subterranean temple. the builders, beginning half-way up the mountain declivity, and cutting down perpendicularly, [...] [more...] [$]
William Seward’s Travels Around the World, edited by Olive Risley Steward and copyrighted by her for him in 1873 after the death of the author.
The book is divided into sections: United States, Canada, and Pacific Ocean; Japan, China, and Cochin China; The Eastern Archpelago, Straits of Malacca, and Ceylon; British India; Egypt and Palestine; Europe.
William H Seward was an American secretary of State, although the book does not seem to mention that.
The book measures approx. 155x235mm (a little over 6 x 9 inches).
There is also an entry in the Nuttall Encyclopædia for William Henry Seward.
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