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clipart: initial letter S from beginning of the 16th Century
Wood cut of a decorated initial letter “S” (e.g. for a drop cap or ornamental capital letter), from the beginning of the 16th Century. There is a white calligraphic capital “S” with interwoven leaves, on a [...] [more...] [$]
clipart: initial letter T from beginning of the 16th Century
Wood cut of a decorated initial letter “T” (e.g. for a drop cap or ornamental capital letter), from the beginning of the 16th Century. There is a white calligraphic capital “T” with interwoven leaves, on a [...] [more...] [$]
clipart: initial letter U from beginning of the 16th Century
Wood cut of a decorated initial letter “U” (e.g. for a drop cap or ornamental capital letter), from the beginning of the 16th Century. There is a white calligraphic capital “U” with interwoven leaves, on a black ground with white dots, known as a criblĂ© effect. [...] [more...] [$]
clipart: initial letter W from beginning of the 16th Century
Wood cut of a decorated initial letter “W” (e.g. for a drop cap or ornamental capital letter), from the beginning of the 16th Century. There is a calligraphic [...] [more...] [$]
clipart: initial letter X from beginning of the 16th Century
Wood cut of a decorated initial letter “X” (e.g. for a drop cap or ornamental capital letter), from the beginning of the 16th Century. There is a calligraphic capital “X” with interwoven [...] [more...] [$]
clipart: initial letter Y from beginning of the 16th Century
Wood cut of a decorated initial letter “Y” (e.g. for a drop cap or ornamental capital letter), from the beginning of the 16th Century. There is a calligraphic capital “Y” in an Uncial form, with interwoven leaves and flowers [...] [more...] [$]
clipart: initial letter Z from beginning of the 16th Century
Wood cut of a decorated initial letter “Z” (e.g. for a drop cap or ornamental capital letter), from the beginning of the 16th Century. There is a calligraphic capital letter “Z” with interwoven leaves and flowers [...] [more...] [$]
Sacred Monogram and Badges of the Apostles
Sacred Monogram, and Badges of the Apostles, from a Volume entitled, Francisci Nigri de Arte Scribendi, Daventrie, 1495. [more...] [$]
A detail from Sacred Monogram and Badges of the Apostles, the badge of St. Luke. He is shown here as a winged ox. [more...] [$]
Badge of Saint John the Evangelist
A detail from Sacred Monogram and Badges of the Apostles, the badge of St. John, depicted here as an eagle and a scroll. [more...] [$]
Badge of Saint Matthew the Evangelist
A detail from Sacred Monogram and Badges of the Apostles, the badge of St. Matthew, depicted here as a tax collector. [more...] [$]
Badge of Saint Mark the Evangelist
A detail from Sacred Monogram and Badges of the Apostles, the badge of St. Mark, depicted here as a winged lion with a scroll.. [more...] [$]
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