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Astrology (page 1/5)

[picture: Front Cover, Sibly Astrology Book]

A New and Complete Illustration of the Occult Sciences by Ebenezer Sibly [1751-1800], M.D. F.R.H.S., Embellished with Curious Copper-Plates, London, 1806.

Part of this text is online courtesy of Joseph H. Peterson, and a search for Ebenezer Sibly, A New and Complete Illustration of the Occult Sciences, Book 4 should find it; since he doesn’t allow any further reproduction, I have not linked to it directly.

Title: Astrology

Author: Sibly, Ebenezer

City: London

Date: 1806

Total items: 43

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Scorpio (the Scorpion)]

Scorpio (the Scorpion)

Zodiac sign for Scorpio taken from The Zodiac [$]

[picture: 41.---Benjamin Bromnsell Married]

41.—Benjamin Bromnsell Married

Astrological marriage chart for Banjamin Bromnsell, married 29th November, 1784. I have scanned the engraving separately, Marriage is Honorable, and at higher resolution. [more...] [$]

[picture: Nativity of Christ [detail: crib scene]]

Nativity of Christ [detail: crib scene]

This engraved drawing of the Nativity, that is, of the birth of Jesus Christ, appears beneath the atrological star chart for Jesus. The nativity scene shows Mary and Joseph, with the new-born baby boy naked in Mary’s lap. Three “wise man” are offering gifts, one kneeling, one sitting and one prostrating himself. The famous star is shining a beam of light onto the boy. There is straw on the floor, and a barred window, but the wall is open, presumably as an artistic device, and [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: A View of Man in his Primeval State as invested With power by his Creator to rule & Govern gross Elements (Fig. 1 of 2)]

A View of Man in his Primeval State as invested With power by his Creator to rule & Govern gross Elements (Fig. 1 of 2)

“Such was the prime-eval happy state of Man. But departing from his innocency, by the secret insinuations infused into his mind by the fallen spirit Satan, he lusted after palpability in the flesh, turned his face to the elements, deserted [...] state into all the perils of mortaility and death. Having no longer all powers under his subjection, he became subject to sidereal and elementary influx, with his understanding darkened, and his mental faculties abridged; which I have exhibited by the four figures in the annexed plate. [more...] [$]

[picture: The Order of the Inspirati.]

The Order of the Inspirati.

This full-page engraving contains supposed portraits of: [more...] [$]

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