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A New and Complete Illustration of the Occult Sciences by Ebenezer Sibly [1751-1800], M.D. F.R.H.S., Embellished with Curious Copper-Plates, London, 1806.
Part of this text is online courtesy of Joseph H. Peterson, and a search for Ebenezer Sibly, A New and Complete Illustration of the Occult Sciences, Book 4 should find it; since he doesn’t allow any further reproduction, I have not linked to it directly.
Title: Astrology
City: London
Date: 1806
Total items: 43
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
Paracelsus receives from the Inspiration of Spirits
The actual caption in the figure is PARACELSUS Receits from the Inſpiration of Spirits. [more...] [$]
Full-page border with tiny vintage laurel leaves and hand-drawn box
This full-page border comes from an engraving, so it’s slightly irregular, but only slightly, almost hand-drawn in effect. It’s made from a thin straight line around the page and, inside it, repeating pairs of leaves, probably laurel leaves, with a small circle at the top middle. I coloured the outer straight border brown and made the outlines of [...] [more...] [$]
Magical Circle, Seals and Characters
Text above the scanned part reads, Ingrav’d for Sibleys Astrology Noº59
Text below the scanned part says, Published for the Proprietors by C Statker Nº4 Stationers Court.
This plate appears in Vol II, opposite p. 1103.
“The dimensions of the circle is [sic] as follows: a piece of ground is usually chosen nine feet square, at the full extent of which parallel lines are drawn one within another, having sundry crosses and triangles described between them, close to which is formed the first or outer circle; then, about half a foot within the same, a second circle is described; and wihin that another square correspondent to the first, the centre of which is the seat or spot where the master and associate are to be placed. The vacancies formed by the various lines and angles of the figure, are filled up with all the holy names of God, having crosses and triangles described betwixt them agreeable to a sketch I have given in the annexed plate, where likewise [more...] [$]
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