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7.—House of Jacques Cœur at Bourges (Begun 1443)details

[Picture: 7.—House of Jacques Cœur at Bourges (Begun 1443)]
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7.—House of Jacques Cœur at Bourges (Begun 1443), in Bourges,Cher, France more

buildings, diagrams, rooves, towers, manors


Image title:

7.—House of Jacques Cœur at Bourges (Begun 1443)

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“‘Second only in importance to the churches and religious buildings come the military and domestic buildings of the Gothic period (Fig. 7).”

A perspective view of a complex house with a courtyard. Jacques cœur, or James Coeur, was the richest private citizen in Europe, a French merchant, but seems to have been brought down and ruined by some at the court. See the entry for James Coeur in the 1812 dictionary of biography.


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