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Famous Scenes and Cities (page 1/2)

[picture: Front Cover, Portfolio]

Pictures and extracts from Portfolio of Photograph of Famous Scenes, Cities and Paintings Prepared under the supervision of the distinguished lecturer and traveler John L. Soddard; Published weekly by Educational Publishing Company, Chicago [USA].

This copy is undated but is bound with views of the World’s Fair from Chicago in 1893.

The Portfolio accompanied Stoddard’s series of lectures, whih i also have here, published in ten numbered volumes and several supplements.

The book contains over two hundred photographs, each some 12x10 inches in size.

Title: Famous Scenes and Cities

Author: Stoddard, John L.

Published by: Educational Publishing COmpany

City: Chicago

Date: 1894

Total items: 6

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Haddon Hall, England]

Haddon Hall, England

Almost in the centre of England stands this ideal specimen of an old baronial mansion, known as Haddon Hall. In the twelfth century it came into the possession of the Vernon family, who occupied it for 400 years. Then when the beautiful young heroine of this castle, Dorothy Vernon, eloped with the son of the Earl of Rutland, the Estate passed into the [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Churchyard of Stoke-Pogis, England]

Churchyard of Stoke-Pogis, England

An English country churchyard, with uneven monuments, and a medieval church with ivy-covered walls and a spire. [more...] [$]

[picture: Front Cover, Portfolio]

Front Cover, Portfolio

The front cover of the book is brown with “Famous Scenes and Cities” in gold embossed capital letters onthe front. [$]

[picture: Damascus, Syria]

Damascus, Syria

In this vintage photograph from 1893 or so, we see the rooftops of a city: domes, mosques with their minaret towers (one in the left foreground), and, at front, a building with cloistered walks on two levels. The description in the book seems sexist and racist to the modern reader; the last sentence is from a later edition and not present in the one [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Nazareth, Palestine]

Nazareth, Palestine

A photograph of the town Nazareth, captioned (in 1894) as being in Palestine (it was captured in 1948 by the then-new invading European Israeli army): [more...] [$]

Tags in this source:

arches battlements book covers brown buildings churches churchyards cities cityscapes cloisters cobbles courtyards creeper dickens domes embossing fog front covers gold graveyards israel ivy lettering london manors minarets peacefulness photographs poems roofs rooves shops signs spires stately homes street scenes streets towers towns trees tudor architecture views walls windows

Places shown:

Bakewell ·Buckinghamshire ·Damascus ·Haddon Hall ·London ·Nazareth ·Stoke Poges ·none

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