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Strong’s Book of Designs (page 1/2)


Pictures from Strong’s Book of Designs: A Masterpiece of Modern Ornamental Art by Chas. J. Strong and L. S. Strong of the Detroit School of Lettering, Frederick J. Drake & Co., Chicago, 1917.

The book consists of designs for calling cards, signs, ornaments and so forth.

The copy here lacks the original front cover.

Title: Strong’s Book of Designs

Author: Strong, Chas J. and Strong, L. S.

Published by: Frederick J. Drake & Company

City: Chicago

Date: 1917

Total items: 4

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Title Page]

Title Page

Strong’s Book of Designs: A Masterpiece of Modern Ornamental Art [more...] [$]

[picture: Monroe Colliery Co.]

Monroe Colliery Co.

A sign for a fictional gas and coal company, including a torch surrounded by a wreath. It would make a great prop for a picture or film set in America in 1910 or so. [more...] [$]

[picture: Banner with ribbons and Snitch]

Banner with ribbons and Snitch

An Art Deco (Jugenstile) masthead design featuring a woman holding a winged sphere. [$]

[picture: Mellon’s Baby Food with baby and roses]

Mellon’s Baby Food with baby and roses

Meant apparently as a cover design for a bulletin, there is a chapterhead ornament of roses with vertical Art Deco stems, and also a rectangle with a baby [more...] [$]

Tags in this source:

art deco babies balls borders chapterheads floriated borders flowers lettering octagons page images people ribbons roses signs title pages wings women

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