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Home Words for Heart and Hearth (page 1/2)

[picture: Front cover for Home Words]

Images from Home Words from heart and Hearth (1888), a church monthly magazine apparently intended to educate the youth of the nation in morals as well as in geography. The illustrations may have been engraved by the Dalziel brother, but I’m not certain; they don’t appear to be signed by an engraver. It’s more likely to me that “Home Words” was set up to compete with “Good Words”—a journal started by the Dalziels.

Title: Home Words for Heart and Hearth

Author: Bullock, Rev. Charles, B.D.

Published by: Home Words Publishing Office

City: London

Date: 1888

Total items: 10

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: September Harvest Page Template.]

September Harvest Page Template.

A page template with three main text areas surrounded by a border featuring pheasant and grouse, rabbit, a country church with its lych-gate, nuts (acorns on the left, horse chestnut at centre-right), wheat, fruits and other Autumn/harvest motifs, and, at the bottom, a [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: John Bunyan's Cottage]

John Bunyan’s Cottage

An engraving of the cottage in Elstow where John Bunyan lived, and a portrait of him. [more...] [$]

[picture: Music Hath Charms]

Music Hath Charms

A boy in a farmyard sits on a large wooden barrel open next to a well-pump and plays the flute. He wears a tunic down to his knees, a hat, leggings (we just see one knee) and I think tall boots. There’s a calf nearby, and half-timberes [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Oiling the Wheels.]

Oiling the Wheels.

A bearded man stands next to a machine made from giant cogs and wheels; he is oiling an axle. In the background behind him is a counter where a person stands facing away from us and towards a man on the other side of the counter; the person facing away has one hand [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Vintage Rustic border of Twigs]

Vintage Rustic border of Twigs

A Victorian rustic border made of repeating straight twig segments, crossed at the corners. [more...] [$]

Tags in this source:

animals autumn birds blizzards book covers borders boys children christianity churches cogs colour cottages death dying edison faces fall farmyards flutes grief hair harvest illustrations for children interiors inventors john bunyan lettering machinery men music musical instruments mysterious mechanisms nuts page images people phonographs plants portraits queens rabbits record players religion royalty rustic september ships sketches snow steampunk thanksgiving tiaras twigs victorian costumes wheels winter women writers

Places shown:

Bedfordshire ·Elstow ·Germany ·none

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