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Images and extracts from “The Leisure Hour” collected edition of 1896. It was published in London, where copyright lasts until 70 years after a person’s death. There is no editor credited, and usually no artist or engraver, but it’s not inconceivable that a twenty-year-old could have worked on this edition and lived to be over seventy. I have marked the images as being for non-commercial use only, but if you determine that an image is out of copyright, go ahead and use it as you will.
Title: The Leisure Hour
Published by: The Leisure Hour
City: London
Date: 1896
Total items: 15
Stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required, or as marked.
This bound edition of The Leisure Hour has a luxurious blue and gold cover. [$]
Blue cloth with black and gold printing; a fine cover for this collection of The Leisure Hour from 1896. [$]
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